Illustrated on the following page are the various Loyalty Program levels and their corresponding benefits. Whether it be attractive shipping terms, preferred marketing support or exclusive return privileges, membership certainly has its privileges. As exclusive members of our program, we are confident your top and bottom lines will increase significantly with Design Eyewear Group.
Great design is what defines all our brands; it keeps our brains sharp and accurate about trends, art, technology and creation of value for our customers.
On behalf of Design Eyewear Group, we would like to thank you for your business and continued support of our dynamic brands. It is our mission to be the preferred independent group in the optical industry and to achieve this ambition, we introduce The Loyalty Program. The concept is simple, promote and reward mutual growth while providing an increasing level of support accordingly.
As an authorized customer of Design Eyewear Group, you will automatically be enrolled in The Loyalty Program. For each full price frame you purchase, you will earn points by brand based on a brand scale over a calendar year. As your cumulative totals grow, you will be eligible to qualify for the three progressive status levels, each with their own level of benefits including marketing, shipping costs and other relevant business perks.
Whether you are a Partner, Premium Partner or an Ambassador, the levels are designed to assist your business in achieving its targets! Upon joining the Design Eyewear Group, you will automatically receive Partner status by earning above the required 25 points with your opening order.
To elevate to the level of Premium Partner, you must earn a combined total of 90 points. For Ambassador status, you would require a combined point level of minimum, 200 points.
The final calculation of your points and status level earned will be based on net unit invoiced orders ( i.e. sales minus returns) upon conclusion of the calendar year. This total will determine your status level for the following year along with the corresponding benefits. Naturally, one’s status can increase during the next year if the required point level is reached.
Once this threshold is achieved, the new benefits will be activated on the first day of the next calendar month.
The Loyalty scoring system is based on a calendar year commencing on January 1st and concluding on December 31.
During this period, every time your business orders a full price frame from one of our featured brands, you will be rewarded with benefit points based on the corresponding Brand Scale. As illustrated, **a single frame from FACE A FACE or Alium is rewarded with 3 points. Kilsgaard earns 2 points, while a frame from ProDesign, WOOW or Nifties earns 1.5 points. An Inface, William Morris or Charles Stone frame earns 1 point.
As mentioned earlier, all brand points you earn are cumulative and combined. When adding a brand you will be given double points on your first order.
**For US and Canada, a single frame from FACE A FACE or Alium is rewarded with 2 points. Kilsgaard earns 1.5 points, while a frame from ProDesign, WOOW or Nifties earns 1 point. An Inface, William Morris or Charles Stone frame earns 0.5 points.